Music blocks sucks. I seriously have absolutely nothing to upload at this point.
But I'm trying to fix it!
STRATEGY 1: Put all of favorite Newgrounds songs into 2-hour medley via Audacity, listen to it while sleeping on repeat.
RESULT:Have nightmares about an 8-bit Waddle Doo trying to throw stars at me (I was probably listening to RetromanOMG's Fountain of Dreams Remix), wake up in cold sweat, find MP3 player scratched and on the floor.
SUMMARY: Well, that worked out well.
STRATEGY 2: Make songs on other than pure motivation.
RESULT: Too lazy to even try.
SUMMARY: I'm pretty much doomed...
Just do what I do. Come up with a pattern of awesome melody (short), repeat it with a minor yet noticable change, then repeat those two patterns with some other instrument or mechanic added in, then see if you can make a song with it. If not, loop it haha.