GOOD NEWS! A lot of publicity with my new contest.
BAD NEWS! People are arguing and even cussing about whether or not my "No Classical"
rule is stupid. Apparently half think it is, and half don't care. No one think's it is a GOOD idea. Oh, well. Food for thought.
GOOD NEWS! Uploaded new song, I'm euphoric.
REALLY REALLY REALLY BAD NEWS! Computer crashes, I inspect for damage, and ALL of my FL Studio projects (mustve been 40+) gone. I found the very first one I made in the Recycling Bin. WHY MUST YOU MOCK ME.
REALLY REALLY REALLY GOOD NEWS! I searched myself on Google cause I was too lazy to go to my website today, and I found someone used my favorite song (Tribute to OpenLight) by my favorite person (me) for my favorite media (YouTube Video) about my favorite game (MineCraft.) Euphoric. And this just happened today.
Really sucks I lost all my files, but yay for people using my music on videos! For those who don't know about Minecraft, its pretty awesome. Video link here: puhk
Which emote do I follow.....
That sucks yet is very freaking awesome. I'd be an optimist in this case, haha. Your contest is really successful, and your song actually got used for something! Ha no matter what the video is, that's great.